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I take this opportunity to thank you and to Director MARCOVIC for such an excellent invention fair that you have organized, and for the diploma. Next year I will try to come with more collegues and repeat the INOVA BUDI UZOR experience. I wish you all the best!
Poštovani g. Marković, Vama osobno i cijelom timu čestitam na odlično organiziranoj 44. INOVA izložbi.
Ovim putem htjela bih čestitati cijelom timu na odlično odrađenom poslu, ujedno bih zahvalila što smo moja unuka i ja imale čast biti dio tog velikog događaja. Za mene je to veliki poticaj za buduće projekte. Ideja i volje ima, a to je najvažnije. Nije važno pobijediti, ali je dobar osjećaj osvojiti medalju, hvala još jednom.
Thank you so much for organize INOVA, it was really great show!!! I am looking forward to next year; I am very enjoying during the show in every part!
Dear Croatian friends, You did a great job at INOVA again, all Polish congratulations, thank you for everything.
Hoping to see you next year in Zagreb and participating at another successful show of INOVA.
Cijelom timu Saveza inovatora Zagreb zahvaljujemo i čestitamo na odlično organiziranoj izložbi.
We all are grateful of your all kind supports! Thanks a lot!
Poštovani organizatori INOVA 2019, zahvaljujemo vam na mogućnosti da prikažemo svoje inovacije na INOVA 2019 i na svesrdnoj pomoći te podršci koju pružate nama i našem timu. Kada je izostalo povjerenje u našoj radnoj sredini i kad nam je bilo najteže, upravo ste vi, iz Saveza inovatora Zagreb, prepoznali potencijal naših inovacija i pružili nam prigodu da ih prikažemo javnosti. Iskrene čestitke na uspješnoj organizaciji ovog važnog događaja. Držimo da je ova INOVA bila jedna od najboljih na kojoj smo se i mi domaći, a i strani izlagači s kojima smo kontaktirali, osjećali izuzetno dobro. Besprijekornom organizacijom izložbe, još jednom ste dokazali da ste jedna od najrespektabilnijih izložbi inovacija na svijetu
Thank you very much for your kindly support. This exhibition let me learned a lot! It is great exhibition!
The new INOVA Croatia webpage, a platform that will incorporate a couple of segments, we hope with good data for inventors, entrepreneurs and people who are interested in new products/inventions and similar topics.
First of all, there are a showcase of successful Croatian inventions whose authors are members of the Croatian Inventors Network, which were exhibited on many international invention exhibitions and most of them are commercialized products that you can find on the market. Of course, the list is not complete but we will work on that together with our inventors.
The main part of INOVA Croatia platform is the online segment of the exhibition INOVA, International Invention Show, which gives the opportunity for inventors worldwide to exhibit their inventions on the second oldest invention show in the world, started in 1971.
Every inventor will have an invention showcase upon the data we receive and it will be shown on the platform 6 months after the exhibition ends, so you will be able to promote your product through that period and reach many more potential investors and buyers. This gave us the opportunity to give more possibilities to the inventor’s community and it will be an important part of the INOVA Exhibition in the years to come as a great marketing tool for the inventors combined with the well need Live Event.
We hope that people who want to know more about industrial property protection, people searching for new ways to present their inventions and all other platform visitors will find answers to their questions through one of our listed Organizations, members of WIIPA (World Invention Intellectual Property Associations).
Through the Media part of the page, you can find portal with lots of great articles about new technologies, best companies and individual practices and much more.
Be free to use our social media links, subscribe to our channel, like videos and Facebook posts so we can all contribute to the quality of the platform.