After registering on the platform, donors, recipients, and volunteers can directly communicate with each other. Food donors can offer food donations, recipients can browse through donation listings to search for the specific food they need at the moment. All registered users will receive email notifications about the new food offerings and donation requests. Also, currently active and completed donations will be accessible on the Donations page of the FoodSHare platform. Donors hold the rights on which recipient(s) will receive the donation. If the donor does not exercise this right the donation will be awarded on a “first-come, first-served” basis.
FoodSHare platform is entirely free to use. All users can register on the platform without any additional costs. Registration does not obligate users for any amount of donations, it serves merely as a tool for making their food donation processes more effective and efficient.
FoodSHare platforma povezuje donore hrane, primaoce donacija i volontere, sa ciljem smanjenja bacanja hrane. FoodSHare platforma nastoji da unapredi procese donacija viškova hrane i olakša distribuciju istih. FoodSHare platforma razvijena je kao deo projekta Ploutos, finansiranog u okviru programa EU Horizont 2020.