Authors: Ofelia-Cornelia CORBU, Henriette SZILAGY, Gabriel PIRGARIU
Company/Faculty/School: Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Country: ROMANIA
The invention relates to the obtaining of a NEW ECO-INNOVATIVE, SUSTAINABLE CONCRETE, based on cement and recycled waste in the form of artificial glass aggregate and PET flakes (polyethylene terephthalate), as raw material, which successfully replace the non-renewable natural aggregates (waste involving high storage and storage costs). The ECO-INNOVATIVE CONCRETE was made within the research-development-innovation project – “CHECKS OF INNOVATION” 266 CI / 2018 in order to develop the smes, where the beneficiary company, NEW NCR RECICLARE S.R.L. becomes the final recycler. the beneficiary of the research having the main activity object: collection, recovery of the waste and concrete products manufacturing, obtained the Technical Approval NO. 001SC-02/635-2019 for alveolar concrete blocks for the purpose of commercialization.