Author: Kresimir Kuterovac
Company/ Institution: Agroporc d.o.o.
Country: Croatia
The innovation consists of a system for dispensing liquid agents into the water for flushing, toilets/urinals. The system consists of a dispenser, a dosing valve and a reservoir of the agent. A special liquid dispenser is installed on the existing plumbing system after the water valve of the toilet bowl or urinal and before the outlet valve for flushing or in the kettle itself and before the reservoir. The dispenser is connected to the dosing valve and the agent reservoir by a plastic tube. For operation, the dispenser does not use special lines or electricity, but is installed on existing installations. The system works when flushing water is released (to the toilet or urinal), then the flow of water through a special dispenser causes the appearance of negative pressure on the suction side of the dispenser, which draws the liquid agent into the dispenser and mixes it with water. Water enters the flushing system or the kettle mixed with descaling/washing/disinfecting or deodorizing agents. The dosing of the amount of the agent is easily adjusted using the dosing valve. The reservoir of the agent itself can be the original packaging of the agent, or a specially installed reservoir placed in an accessible place for filling. The dispenser is resistant to acids and detergents and works on the pressure of the domestic water network. Only filling or replacing the reservoir is simple and harmless to health. In this way, the water entering the kettle or the slime for flushing is already mixed with a descaling agent, so there is no more accumulation of limescale on the inlet valve and inside the kettle/urinal and under the edges of the toilet bowl, so frequent breakdowns are prevented. Washing, disinfection and deodorization are also better because all the water has been previously prepared with the agent, so the entire surface, including inaccessible places, is cleaned with each rinse. Scale no longer accumulates and the growth of microorganisms in these places is also prevented. No more hard cleaning work with strong chemicals that must be handled with special care and equipment.