Authors: Kresimir Kuterovac, Agroporc d.o.o., Byonde d.o.o.
Company/ Institution: Agroporc d.o.o., Byonde d.o.o.
Country: Croatia
A digital platform for the decentralized supply of food to citizens. The direct connection between consumers and food producers via the platform ensures, on the one hand, a safe market for the product and partial financing of production for the producer, and a secure channel for the supply of quality food produced according to his request at the best price for the customer/consumer. the entire transaction takes place through the GoAgro digital platform, and the security of the transaction is ensured by blockchain technology and the system of smart contracts used by the platform. In this way, consumers become a participant in food production (digital farmers) and take care of the availability, technology and quality of “food used personally and by his family”. The agricultural revolution rests on changing established and globalized food supply chains. New global policies of decentralization, climate change and general political destabilization are changing the paths of food supply that have been trodden for decades. Citizen food consumers are in great danger of uncertain security of food supply, and another important segment is the quality of food, which the consumer can direct and condition through direct connection with the producer. An important segment is the financial savings that are achieved through a direct connection with the manufacturer, and the investment itself reduces the risks of price growth and inflation, which are usually paid by citizens.