AIR – Anonymous Identities Recognition using artificial intelligence (AI)


Company/Institution: CITUS d.o.o.

Country: Croatia


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AIR is an innovative solution that enables the recognition of anonymous identities, based on many physical characteristics of a person, using artificial intelligence. Using a stereoscopic camera and advanced image processing, a person’s biometric and kinesiological characteristics are recognized in real-time, from a distance, without the need for physical contact. Artificial intelligence based on an innovative UI model compares the scanned data with already recorded profiles of anonymous persons and concludes whether it is a person for whom data has already been recorded somewhere as an anonymous identity or whether it is a new anonymous identity. Compliant with GDPR and other data protection laws, AIR offers a non-invasive way (using posture and gait analyses) to track and identify an unknown person, even if he/she is masked or has altered appearances.

The AIR solution is applicable in various industries and scenarios, such as security and sales loyalty programs. The target groups are companies, governments, and public institutions.