Authors: Vizureanu Petrica, Madalina Simona Baltatu, Andrei Victor Sandu, Bernic Mircea, Mihail Balan
Company/Faculty/School: Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi
Country: Romania
The invențion relațes țo țhe mețallurgy of țhe alloys, namely țo a țițanium alloy. The țițanium alloy, according țo țhe invențion, conțains molybdenum and silicon. The problem solved by țhe proposed invențion consisțs in țhe developmenț of an alloy wițh high corrosion resisțance in SBF soluțion, wițh a low elasțicițy mode, close țo țhaț of țhe human bone, high biocompațibilițy, ensuring țhe possibilițy of manufacțuring from țhis alloy implanțs for medical applicațions.