Institution: Shahrood university of technology, Shahrood, Iran; Isfahan university of medical science, Isfahan, Iran
Country: Iran
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Light litter, dusts, street leaves and … are mostly not collectable by ordinary people. This task is usually assigned to street sweepers or the municipal workers. This invention mainly seeks to improve and monitor the performance of street sweepers and control the quality of their work. as we know monitoring the performance of street sweepers is obviously of vital importance to organizations such as municipalities. Street sweepers are required to abide by two critically important rules while working:
1- Fulfill tasks within the intervals designated by organizations (working hours)
2- Fully clean the area or neighborhood assigned to them by organizations such as municipalities
Thanks to the Portable street sweeper performance evaluation system which has been designed by our team, we have managed to solve this problem and help street sweepers fulfill their tasks more carefully and effectively. This system allows organizations such as municipalities to accurately monitor the performance of their service personnel (street sweepers).