Authors: Mr. Chhoeung Rachana , Mr. Sam Bandithviphou, Mr. Suon Sivatha, Mr. Prum Chansamedy, Mr. Luy Mithona

Company: Norton University

Country: Ukraine



Attendance system is a system that is used to track the attendance of a particular person and is applied in the industries, schools, universities or working places. The traditional way for taking attendance has drawback, which is the data of the attendance list cannot be reuse and tracking and tracing student’s attendance is harder. The technology-based attendance system such as sensors and biometrics based attendance system reduced human involvement and errors. Thus in this paper, a NFC-based attendance system is presented. A comparative study between this both NFC and RFID is also discussed thoroughly, especially in terms of their architectures, functionality features, benefits and weakness. Overall, even both NFC and RFID attendance system increases the efficiency in recording attendance, NFC system is providing more conveniences and cheaper infrastructure in both operational and setup cost. NU NFC Smart Attendance stands for ”Norton University Near Field Communication Attendance” is an mobile application that  provide the user(NU’s staff) scanning with NFC to check working day attendance . As we observe that nowadays mobile application is very popular so that we can implement the attendance check on mobile application. NU NFC Smart Attendance is very powerful to check for staff attendance avoiding anonymous check in instead.