Conductive charging system

Authors: Ciprian BEJENAR, Marian BEJENAR, Mihai DIMIAN, Laurențiu-Dan MILICI, Mariana-Rodica MILICI, Ciprian AFANASOV, Constantin UNGUREANU, Mihaela PAVĂL

Company/Faculty/School: Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava/Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science/Electrotechnics Department

Country: ROMANIA



The invention uses a simple solution from a constructive point of view and allows it to be attached for diagnostic purposes in the extension of any conductive charging system, being suitable as an accessory regardless of the testing equipment and/or system and it has the capability to incorporate an incorporable source of electrical energy and/or universal terminals, facilitating the extension action without the strict need for a human operator, because the device constitutes a monobloc testing probe for the acquisition of the related signals corresponding to the electrical parameters of interest in the process of diagnosis the conductive charging of an electric vehicle.