Authors: Tanja Pušić; Katia Grgić and Tihana Dekanić
Faculty: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Textile Technology
Country: Croatia
Traditional textile care processes are long-lasting, require large amounts of water, chemicals and energy, and are being replaced by innovative procedures that are safer, better quality, more economical and more compliant with ecological guidelines.
The fundamental process of removing impurities from textile material during washing involves the separation of unwanted material from the complex fibril structure of textiles and its removal into the liquid medium with minimal redeposition on the textiles. The ecological approach and sustainability of the process of wet processing of textile materials contribute to the importance and research of mechanical and chemical impacts in these processes. The cleaning of textile materials can be improved through KET (key enabling technologies) technologies. The ultrasonic procedure is included in KET technologies, where cavitation through pressure on surface and deep impurities, penetration into cracks, depressions and other places on the textile material posseses good potential in removing of impurities. The innovation includes two factors of the Sinner cycle of the washing process, the chemical potential of washing agents from nature and the hydrodynamic potential of ultrasound in relation to conventional techniques and washing agents.